TLC Bible Institute
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Course | Course Name | TLC Basic Training | Bible Training for Church Members | Bible Training for Church Leaders | Bible Training for Pastors |
NMC | New Members Class | X | X | X | X |
DBC | Discipleship Boot-Camp | X | X | X | X |
EBC | Evangelism Boot-Camp | X | X | X | X |
FPC | Financial Peace University | X | X | ||
1 | Bible Study Methods and Rules for Interpretation | X | X | X | |
2 | Old Testament Survey | X | X | X | |
3 | New Testament Survey | X | X | X | |
4L | Communicating Biblical Messages | X | |||
4P | Preaching Biblical Messages and Pastoral Ministry | X | |||
5 | Bible Doctrine Survey | X | X | X | |
6 | Personal Spiritual Life | X | X | X | |
7 | Church Ministry, Administration, and Education | X | X | ||
8 | Teaching Principles and Methods | X | |||
9 | Church History Survey | X | |||
10 | Missions, Evangelism, and Discipleship | X |
Our new members class is critical to informing prospective new members of information and expectations related to our church. We want to help you make membership meaningful, enable your growth in Christ, and fulfill God's purpose for you and Trinity Life Church.
Our discipleship class help our people develop habits to be like Christ and learn about the Father. Christian discipleship might best be described as a training or mentoring program designed to develop individuals to become more like their Savior.
Our evangelism class help our people effectively share their faith where they live, work, and play without a professional seminary degree. It equips the people of God to literally grow in becoming ambassadors for Jesus Christ.
Do you want to learn how life could be debt-free and achieve your financial goals? FPU was developed by Dave Ramsey with the primary goal of helping people understand what God had to say about money and find hope.
A 12-week introduction to basic bible study methods and rules of interpretation with emphasis on accurately understanding and obeying God’s Word and developing practical skills. Students will learn to determine what Scripture says, what it means, and how it can be applied.
Syllabus and Course Description:
An introduction to basic Bible study methods and rules of interpretation with emphasis on accurately understanding and obeying God’s Word and developing practical skills. Students will learn to determine what Scripture says, what it means, and how it can be applied.
Course Goals:
To train pastors and church leaders to properly and systematically study and interpret the Bible to “correctly handle the Word of Truth” so that they may be “equipped for every good work.
To lead pastors and church leaders to an awareness of their need to personally apply and obey the Bible as they preach and teach others.
To demonstrate that an essential purpose of studying the Bible is personal “training in righteousness” so pastors and church leaders will become more like Jesus Christ.
To emphasize the necessity to absolutely and depend on the illumination and teaching ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
To encourage pastors and church leaders to engage in personal, serious, regular Bible study in the text of Scripture.
*Study the Word of God to know the God of the Word*
A 12-week course that gives a broad overview and survey of the Old Testament designed to emphasize the structure, theme, and message of the Old Testament and each of its 39 individual books to provide an understanding of God’s self-revelation and His plan of redemption. (Prerequisite class – Bible Study Methods)
Syllabus and Course Description:
A broad overview and survey of the Old Testament designed to emphasize the structure, theme, and message of the Old Testament and each of its 39 individual books to provide an understanding of God’s self-revelation and His plan of
Course Goals:
To teach pastors and church leaders the Old Testament's basic structure, theme, and message and its 39 books as the foundation for the New Testament.
To teach pastors and church leaders the broad sweep of Old Testament theological history as it relates to Israel and God’s plan of redemption.
To lead pastors and church leaders to understand the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.
To encourage pastors and church leaders to learn from the examples and illustrations of the Old Testament.
To encourage pastors and church leaders to walk by faith before God.
To encourage pastors and church leaders to obey the Word of God fully.
To exhort pastors and church leaders to preach and teach the Old Testament's principles, truths, and concepts.
To lead pastors and church leaders to a better understanding of and appreciation for—
A 12-week course that gives an overview survey of the New Testament focuses on the theme, purpose, structure, and essential content of each book relating to the Bible. Strong emphasis is also given to the applicational message of each book. This course is designed to provide the knowledge necessary to understand the essential meaning and significance of the New Testament in relation to salvation and sanctification. (Prerequisite class – Old Testament survey)
Syllabus and Course Description:
An overview survey of the New Testament focuses on each book's theme, purpose, structure, and essential content and relates each book to the whole Bible. Strong emphasis is also given to the applicational message of each book.
Course Goals:
To provide pastors and church leaders with the knowledge necessary to understand the meaning and significance of the New Testament in relation to salvation and sanctification.
Train pastors and church leaders in using the study survey method, including book charts.
To instruct pastors and church leaders in the actual content of each New Testament book and how that content applies today.
To increase appreciation for Scripture's scope, unity, purpose, and reliability.
To prepare pastors and church leaders for effective ministry by equipping them with the Word of God.
To enhance understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
To reinforce dependence on the Word of God as the fundamental ministry resource.
To encourage pastors and church leaders to preach and teach the principles, truths, and concepts of the New Testament.
*Knowing the content and structure of the New Testament will enable pastors and church leaders to know Christ more fully and minister to people more effectively.*
This is an 8-week course designed to equip and train bible teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively prepare and deliver expository messages from God’s Word, which are biblically sound and responsive to the needs of people. Much emphasis is placed on the practical preparation of the speaker and the message with numerous examples and practice assignments. Beneficial for Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, small group leaders, and anyone wanting to be effective in communicating biblical truths. (Prerequisite class – New Testament Survey unless prior approval has been granted)
Syllabus and Course Description:
Designed to equip and train Bible teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively prepare and deliver expository messages from God’s Word, which are biblically sound and responsive to the needs of people. Much emphasis
is placed on the practical preparation of the speaker and the message with numerous examples and practice assignments.
Course Goals:
To demonstrate the absolute necessity for the expository sharing of the Word of God from Scripture.
To enable speakers to see themselves from God’s perspective.
To underscore the importance of the speakers’ spiritual preparation.
To practically train speakers in the basic skills of preparing expository biblical messages.
To emphasize the need to allow the text of Scripture to determine both the content and structure of the message.
To teach speakers how to deliver biblical messages effectively.
To show that the goal of sharing God’s Word is life change—becoming more like Jesus Christ.
Syllabus and Course Description:
The first part of this course, Preaching Biblical Messages, is designed to equip and train pastors with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare and communicate expository messages from God’s Word. The goal of these messages is
that they are biblically accurate and responsive to the needs of people. Emphasis is placed on the preacher's practical preparation and message with numerous examples and practice assignments. The second part of the course, Pastoral
Ministry is designed to equip pastors with the knowledge and practical skills required for effective ministry in the church, which is fruitful from God’s perspective.
Course Goals:
To demonstrate from Scripture the necessity for the expository preaching of the Word of God and to train pastors to communicate God’s Word.
To teach pastors what the Bible says about their qualifications, role, and responsibilities from God’s perspective as servants of Christ and His church.
To underscore the importance of the preacher’s spiritual preparation.
To train pastors in the basic skills of preparing accurate biblical messages.
To emphasize the need to allow the text of Scripture to determine both the content and structure of the message.
To provide instruction on productively and practically carrying out pastoral ministry in the church.
To warn pastors about those things which lead to “burn-out” and failure in the ministry.
To show that the goal of preaching is life change—becoming more like Jesus Christ.
Syllabus and Course Description:
A survey and summary of the ten central doctrines of the Bible with an emphasis on the pastor or church leader knowing God more fully while understanding and practicing sound theology.
Course Goals:
To teach pastors and church leaders the foundational truths of Bible doctrine.
To lead pastors and church leaders to a deeper understanding of and appreciation for God.
To enrich the pastor’s and church leader’s relationship with God.
To train pastors and church leaders to teach correct doctrine and refute false doctrine.
To enable pastors and church leaders to see that correct belief must be reflected in the proper behavior.
*Let him who boasts boast about this – that he knows and understands God.* (Jer. 9:23-24)
This is an 8-week course where students learn the basic concepts and principles of the spiritual life so that they can personally grow to spiritual maturity and live a life that is pleasing to God. (Prerequisite class – Bible Doctrine unless prior approval has been granted)
Syllabus and Course Description:
This course is designed to teach pastors and church leaders the basic concepts and principles of spiritual life so that they can personally grow to spiritual maturity and live a life that is pleasing to God.
Course Goals:
Instruct pastors and church leaders on the basic principles and truths of spiritual life.
To lead pastors and church leaders to understand their position in Jesus Christ and the essential resources God has provided through the Word and the Holy Spirit.
Train pastors and church leaders to participate successfully in growth to spiritual maturity through practical application and obedience.
To suggest to pastors and church leaders what the believer should know and do regarding the essential areas of the spiritual life.
*The pastor or church leader should be personally growing in relationship to Christ and in relationships with others.*
Syllabus and Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce pastors and church leaders to the basic principles related to the nature, structure, and function of the church and to teach them the practical knowledge and skills necessary for the local church to effectively carry out its functional roles in the areas of ministry, administration, and education.
Course Goals:
To teach pastors and church leaders the nature, structure, purpose, and priorities of the church as a spiritual organism.
To instruct pastors and church leaders concerning the principles and practice of “body life” in the church.
To train pastors and church leaders in meeting church members' ministry needs.
To equip pastors and church leaders in the principles and practice of operating and administering the church as a structural organization.
To enable pastors and church leaders to understand and implement an effective ministry of biblical education to “build up” the body of Christ.
*When the church properly and effectively functions as a spiritual organization in the areas of ministry, administration, and education, the real needs of people will be met, the church will grow to spiritual maturity, and God will be glorified as His kingdom is advanced.*
Syllabus and Course Description:
Designed to equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach God’s Word effectively. Much emphasis is placed on the pastor’s role as a teacher and the biblical goal of teaching.
Course Goals:
To demonstrate the importance of the expository teaching of the Word of God from Scripture.
To practically train pastors and church leaders in the basic principles and methods of teaching.
To emphasize the importance of the teacher’s spiritual preparation and dependence on the Holy Spirit.
To enable pastors and church leaders to understand that real learning involves life change.
Practically equip pastors and church leaders to effectively teach the Bible so that the church will not be biblically malnourished but grow to spiritual maturity.
Central Truth
Teaching does not occur unless learning occurs, and learning does not occur unless life change occurs.
Syllabus and Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce pastors and church leaders to the principal people; the significant political, historical, and cultural developments; the main religious movements; and the doctrinal issues which have influenced and shaped the Christian church throughout its 2000-year history.
Course Goals:
To teach pastors and church leaders the primary facts, significant events, and main movements which have impacted the Christian church in history.
To acquaint pastors and church leaders with the key figures of church history whose lives have influenced the church.
To instruct pastors and church leaders in the biblical principles by which the church should have operated over the centuries.
To lead pastors and church leaders to an awareness of both the triumphs and failures of the church in history.
To encourage pastors and church leaders to learn what the church should and should not do from the lessons of church history.
To re-emphasize to pastors and church leaders the need for the church to maintain pure doctrine and practice.
To enable pastors and church leaders to gain a proper historical perspective on the church today to understand its present condition and challenge.
* Missions is the mission of the church.*
*Failure to obey the “Great Commission” to make disciples of all nations has been the “Great Failing” of the church in history.*
Syllabus and Course Description:
This three-part course is designed to ground pastors and church leaders in the basic biblical principles of missions, evangelism, and discipleship so that the church can accomplish its God-given task of bringing lost people to Christ and building them up in Christ.
Course Goals:
To teach pastors and church leaders that missions is the main ministry of the church.
Instruct pastors and church leaders in the biblical basis, principles, and practice of missions.
To assist pastors and church leaders in developing a missions mind-set and ministry in the church.
To dispel and deal with common myths, misconceptions, and hindrances to missions.
To convince pastors and church leaders that the church is God’s channel for witnessing to Christ in the world.
To show that evangelism is the first requirement in fulfilling the Great Commission.
To train pastors and church leaders in the content and communication of the true Gospel and to point out false “gospels”.
To enable pastors and church leaders to build an evangelistic mind-set and ministry in the church.
To provide basic knowledge in how to defend the Christian faith against common challenges, world religions, cults, and the occult.
To equip pastors and church leaders to answer contemporary moral and ethical issues from the Bible.
To demonstrate that discipleship is the second requirement in fulfilling the Great Commission.
To train pastors and church leaders in the biblical principles and practices of discipleship in order to reach the goal of maturity in Christ and making more disciples.